Causative Form

This article is additional to the main page dedicated to the Passive Voice.

The causative is used when we want to say that we arranged for someone to do something for us. We usually use it when we refer to different kinds of services.

The causative is formed:

have/get + object + past participle (statements)

Do/did + pronoun + have/get + object + past participle (questions)

Look at the tables below to get it clear how the causative is formed in different tenses 👇

Present and Future Tenses Active Voice The Causative
Present Simple He repairs his car. (he does it himself) He has his car repaired. (he asked a mechanic to repair his car)
Present Continuous He is repairing his car. (he is doing it himself now) He is having his car repaired. (a mechanic is repairing his car now)
Present Perfect He has repaired his car. (he has done it himself) He has had his car repaired. (a mechanic has repaired his car)
Present Perfect Continuous He has been repairing his car. (he has been doing it himself) He has been having his car repaired. (a mechanic has been repairing his car)
Future Simple He will repair his car. (he will do it himself) He will have his car repaired. (a mechanic will repair his car) 
Future Simple Continuous He will be repairing his car. (he will be doing it himself) He will be having his car repaired. (a mechanic will be repairing his car) 


Past Tenses Active Voice The Causative
Past Simple He repaired his car. He had his car repaired.
Past Continuous He was repairing his car. He was having his car repaired.
Past Perfect He had repaired his car. He had had his car repaired.
Past Perfect Continuous He had been repairing his car. He had been having his car repaired.

Take a quiz 🔥

Convert a sentence using the causative. Choose a proper answer.

1 / 6
He attends his hairdresser to cut his hair every month.
His hair are cut every month.
He has his hair cut every month.
He has cut his hair every month.
He cuts his hair every month.
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