Questions in Reported Speech

This article is additional to the main page dedicated to Reported Speech.

When converting questions into indirect speech we keep the main rule of changing tenses.

Also, we are careful with the word order. In fact, questions in reported speech are not questions — they lose their word order. 

General questions

In case you forgot we will remind you that general questions are questions which require yes/no answer.

When we need to report such kind of a question we use 'if' or 'whether' instead of the auxiliary verb.

Helen: "Do you like roses?" πŸ‘‰ Helen asked me if/whether I liked roses.

Helen: "Will you go to the park with me?" πŸ‘‰ Helen asked me if/whether I would go to the park with her.

Helen: "Are you going to the cinema?" πŸ‘‰ Helen asked me if/whether I was going to the cinema?

Helen: "Have ever been to London?" πŸ‘‰ Helen asked me if/whether I had ever been to London.

Wh- questions

It is not difficult to convert Wh- questions into reported speech. All you need is to remember sequence of tenses and to change word order like in statements.

Helen: "What do you know about Italy?" πŸ‘‰ Helen asked me what I knew about Italy.

In the example above we changed the Present Simple to the Past Simple and also, put the pronoun between the question word and the verb. Auxiliary is also omitted. 

More examples πŸ‘‡

Helen: "Who do you love?" πŸ‘‰ Helen asked me who I loved.

Helen: "Where have you been?" πŸ‘‰ Helen asked me where I had been.

Helen: "What were you doing yesterday from 6 p.m. till 8 p.m.?" Helen asked me what I had been doing the day before from 6 p.m. till 8 p.m.